U2 – Crazy

With director David O’Reilly on board and beautiful artwork being supplied by designer Jon Klassen, an exciting 6 weeks of production began at Lumiere on the latest U2 video for the bands current single ‘Crazy’, or to give it it’s full title ‘I’ll go crazy if I don’t go crazy tonight’.

A 6 week deadline for a 4 minute character based animated video was always going to be a challenge but with the director on site day and night and a team of dedicated animators working with such passion and belief in what they were creating, we knew we were equal to it.

From modelling, texturing and rigging to animating and compositing, Lumiere kept in line with both schedule and expectation from the director, which allowed us the all important time to go back and ‘tweak’ at the end.

We hope you enjoy watching as much as we did creating it.






David O'Riley

Jon Klassen

Colonel Blimp

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