FIVE asked Lumiere to help them out with a promotional ident for Robson Greens Extreme Fishing. The spot see’s Robson looking a little ‘stiff’ as we pull back to reveal that he is in fact mounted as a trophy on the wall of a study, with his assailant comfortably sat reading the paper next to him.
Lumiere kicked off proceedings by supplying previs to help plan out the shoot that would see us film the set and Robson independently. Health and Safety didn’t like the idea of Robson hanging sideways in a box for a few hours, so we had to film that section on a 90 degree rotation, meaning Robson was effectively standing up. It was Lumiere’s challenge to stitch the two sequences back together seamlessly later on. We filmed on RED cam supported by a motion control rig to allow us multiple takes and plenty of resolution to work with later.
Back at base, it was a case of roto, cleanup, track, stitch, key, composite and grade to get Robson and the room in shape ready for the next stage.
The final task was to model, texture, rig, animate, light, render and composite our fishy friend into the plate.
Click the movie above to watch it, or check it out here on YouTube.
Damon Hudson Flynn
Creative Producer:
Technical Producer: